
Land Surveying Services – Fraser Valley and Metro Vancouver, British Columbia

Evolution Land Surveying Ltd. is a full service land surveying company serving the Fraser Valley and Metro Vancouver of British Columbia. Their expertise in their field has given them the flexibility to provide a wide range of services for several industries requiring land surveying services. With constant training and testing using the latest technology and surveying equipment, Evolution truly brings Your Future. Delivered.

Below are the land surveying services that Evolution provides:

Topographic Site Survey Package

Evolution land surveying provides the clients with topographic site plan to serve their unique demands with a base with essential information for the intended construction, from building addition, building renovation, to potential land development opportunity.

We are familiar with the plan requirements of municipalities across the regions of Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley. Not only do we ensure our certified survey plan help you obtain your municipal permit smoothly, but also accommodate additional design requirements requested by your consultants, working seamlessly with your designer, architect, civil engineer and QEP.


Following the initially delivered plan, our survey package will, bearing in mind of the time-sensitive nature of further needs, continue to provide services at your pace:

  • Layout survey for both excavation and new building
  • Benchmark setup for builders
  • Forms Location Certificate for inspection

Property Line Survey Package


Only a Certified British Columbia Land Surveyor knows where your boundary is. Before determining where your boundary is, we perform rigorous records research of land title certificates and legal survey plans retrieved from BC land title office and some older records from the local municipality. Following the research, a diligent field inspection is conducted to collect survey evidence to retrace boundaries for your land surveyor to interpret your boundary. At Evolution Land Surveying, we provide property line staking service to materially delineate the location of your property lines with wood lathes.

During the survey, we may also help you determine any property line encroachment or any lost/disturbed legal survey marker at your property corners. Optionally, our survey package also offers:

  • BC Land Surveyor’s Encroachment/Non-encroachment Certificate for documentation
  • Posting Plan survey to re-post the survey marker
  • Reference Plan survey to re-establish the concerned boundary

Building Location Certificate

Building Location Certificates, aka mortgage certificates, are plans showing house location relative to the lot property lines as well as any structures and rights-of-way on the lot, and any encroachments either onto or off of the lot. It is often required by your financial institution as one of the financing requirements in occasions, such as a house purchase.


In addition, Building Location Certificate may also be needed:

  • for house addition compliance purpose
  • for house renovation compliance purpose

Building Strata Survey Package

From duplexes, to townhouses, to multi-phased and complicated condominium developments, no matter if your project is a two-units house strata or a mixed-use building strata that demands air space subdivision, we will provide assistance throughout the complex subdivision approving process and the sophisticated designing process, proactively working together with all parties involved, including your architects, lawyers, marketing team, as well as the municipal planners and approving officers.

In conjunction with our Subdivision Survey Package, we ensure your strata development needs are fully covered:

  • Topographic site survey for initial design and application
  • Layout survey for grid line and other construction support
  • As-built survey of off-site roads and services
  • Post the new lot corners encompassing your building

We familiarize ourselves with municipal planning and LTSA policies with respect to strata and air space subdivision. All required legal survey plans will be delivered as a package in a timely and cost-efficient manner.


Services in our strata survey package include:

  • Preliminary Strata Plans for pre-sale purposes
  • Form V and other forms under Strata Property Act
  • Air Space Plans for building space separation purposes
  • Final Strata Plans
Subdivision Survey Package

From simple two-lot subdivisions and boundary adjustments to complex multi-phase developments, we will assist you through the subdivision approving process, collaborating seamlessly with all parties involved, such as the planners, civil engineers, architects, approving officers, lawyers, other consultants and marketing team. All legal survey plans required during this process will be delivered in a timely manner for you to receive municipal approval and to deposit at the BC land title office. No matter what plans are needed, you are covered by our services.

Apart from the final land surveying products mentioned above, we also provide

  • Topographic site survey for initial design and application
  • Layout survey for construction support
  • As-built survey of off-site roads and services
  • Post the new lot corners on all subdivided lots

Legal survey plans we prepare for your development projects typically include:

  • Subdivision Plans
  • Reference Plans
  • Statutory Right of Way Plans
  • Easement Plans
  • Covenant Plans

your future. delivered.

Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley Land Surveying Services

In need of professional land surveying services? Looking for quick and professional land surveying in BC’s Fraser Valley or Metro Vancouver? Call Evolution Land Surveying Ltd. at 604-493-2020, use our contact form for land surveying services, or Book a FREE Consultation Now!

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